How To Run A Half Marathon Without Training For It? (5 Tips)

Sometimes you get the urge to run a half marathon, but don’t want to commit to training for months before it.
So you want to prove you can finish a half marathon? But you don’t have time to exercise?
Those who say they have completed a half-marathon without training are definitely doing some kind of exercise. Even any type of daily activity at work or during free time helps.
Yes, finishing a half marathon without training is possible. But you probably walk most of the time.
We would not recommend you finish a half marathon without training for it. This makes you vulnerable to injuries.
However, if you’re really committed to not training beforehand, here are some tips to make the process easier.
Completing A Half Marathon Without Training – Top Tips
Let’s get right into the tips and tricks that you can try to complete your half marathon!
Not all of these will work for you, so consider which you think will be most effective for your experience.
1. The Goal Should Be to Finish Rather Than to Run All the Time
Perhaps the most important thing to remember to get you across that finish line is that your goal is to finish the race – not necessarily run it.
Without training, you are not going to win the half marathon. Don’t even try.
You’ll get your medal no matter how long it takes you to finish the race, and you’ll be able to tell everyone that you did just that without telling them your finishing time.
So, if you don’t want to train, don’t push yourself to injury. Take it slow and enjoy the experience!
2. Alternate Between Walking And Running
A half marathon is 13.1 miles, which is an incredibly long amount of time to be running without any prior training.
Without training, many people could not even run a mile, let alone a half-marathon.
So, we recommend that you alternate between walking and running rather than pushing yourself to run the entire way.
Again, you are still going to get your medal if you walk some of the race. Some people join the race to walk the whole thing!
The time limit for the walker-friendly half and full marathons will most likely be four hours, and this gives you 18 minutes for each mile – plenty of time to walk it (In most cases, walking a mile takes between 15 and 22 minutes).
3. Keep An Eye On Your Pace
Your pace is how long it is taking you to cover a specific distance, which is usually measured in minutes per mile.
You need to be able to keep your pace at above 18 minutes per mile if you’re going to finish the race in the maximum time allowance.
However, many people who do not train start off fast and quickly burn themselves out within a couple of miles.
This wastes your energy and will make completing the rest of the race even harder.
Make sure that you are running at a sensible pace for you that you can keep up with for the duration of the race. Ignore the faster runners and focus on yourself!

4. Don’t Let Your Outfit or Shoes Hold You Back
What you wear for a race is incredibly important, from your head to your toes.
You can get fitness wear made specifically for running, and this is what you should be wearing throughout your half marathon.
The material wicks away sweat and dries quickly, which is a stark difference from cotton which gets wetter and heavier the more you sweat.
Running gear can also prevent you from chaffing, making you more comfortable for the duration of your run.
Similarly, your shoes also need to be the right design for running. Don’t think you can complete a half marathon in your old sneakers (blisters, anyone!)!
You’ll need a pair of shoes between one and two sizes too big for you, ensuring that there is a thumb’s width of space between your large toe and the top of the shoe.
This will keep your toenails happy and still attach your feet.
The heel should be tight while the toe box should be loose, so make sure you take the time to properly look for the correct shoes.
Make sure that you dress for the weather, and remember that you’re going to be hotter than usual as you’re walking or running the 13.1 miles.
Don’t wear too many clothes that will just be discarded halfway through the race.
5. Don’t Forget Fuel and Water
Of course, you’re going to need some water to get you through the race.
However, you don’t need to take your own water bottle or belt, as there will be regular hydration stations throughout the course of the race.
As we’ve already established that you will not be winning the race, you will have time to keep rehydrating throughout the race.
Make sure that you stop for as much water as you need so that you don’t injure yourself or get dehydrated.
As well as water, you will need enough fuel to keep going throughout the half marathon.
This is especially true for people who haven’t trained for the race, so make sure that you keep 3 or 4 energy gels with you to take every 45 to 60 minutes.
If you time it right, you can take these energy gels right before a hydration station so that you can wash them down with water.
The Day Of The Race
The day of your race should start slightly early, and you should drink plenty of water along with your morning coffee.
Have a light breakfast such as a bagel or an energy bar before heading to the race.
During the race, start slow and steady, following all of the tips that we have mentioned above.
Enjoy your time and prove that you can complete a half marathon without training!
Finish up by earning your medal and taking a picture to commemorate the occasion. Congratulations!
The Bottom Line
Our advice: Don’t do it unless you really have to, for different reasons. For most, it’s probably just pride and self-competition.
Don’t rush into running long distances. You can try to get a good 10K time first to give your body and mind time to adapt.
Without training, it is undoubtedly hard but not impossible. There’s a good chance you’ll walk most of the way, but many people do that anyway!