New to running events? Our full guide, created by running experts, shares everything you need to know.

Our Running Events category is your ultimate guide to exploring the diverse world of races, marathons, fun runs, mud runs, and everything in between.

Whether you’re a seasoned runner seeking your next challenge or a newbie taking your first strides toward the starting line, this is your hub for all things related to the races.

In this section, we have insights and tips to help you navigate the world of running events. From mastering race day preparation and conquering different distances to discovering the most iconic events worldwide, we’re here to inspire and support you every step of the way.


Obstacle Races and Mud Runs

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Fun Runs and Color Runs

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Running Trails

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What Are Races in Running?

A running race is a contest between competitors to determine who can cover a certain distance the fastest. In today’s athletics, competitive running events are at the core.

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Read more about:

  • marathons
  • obstacle races and mud runs
  • fun runs and color runs
  • running routes in different cities.